Animal Dentistry- Berras


Cross breed, female rescue dog,  adopted as a 2 years old,  died 13/07/13 aged 14.5 years.

Date of treatment: July 2008. Treated by:
Dr Peer Nelz (Dentist)
Pat Locket (Vet)

Case Report

An 8-year old dog female dog “Berras” was referred for the restoration of multiple fractured teeth. It was thought that the fractured teeth were the result of excessive chewing of hard objects (wood, bone) in combination with underdeveloped enamel.

Fractured canine of a Canine

Root Canal instrument (Hedstrom file, iso 30) in the canal. The canal was relatively wide.  As Dog canine teeth can be up to 55mm long (twice the length of human roots) special root canal files are needed.

Root Canal instrument in place

The treatment protocol is similar to human root canal treatment. The chosen technique was the lateral condensation method.

X-ray with an instrument in place to measure length of the root canal.

Root Canal filling completed. As this was my first case and due to the very wide canal the sealing is not optimal. However, there was no problem (re-infection). The coronal seal was sufficient to prevent any bacterias entering the canal.

Completed Root canal filling

Preparation for crown. A small amount ~ 1.5mm of enamel and dentine is removed to reduce the  circumference of the tooth. This will allow room for the crown which is ~ 1- 1.5mm thick. An impression was taken with a modified (human) impression tray.

Preparation for crown

The upper right and lower right canine were prepared for stainless steel crowns and an impression was taken. The Crowns were fitted 7 days after impression under light sedation.

Stainless steel crowns for Berras

Keep on chewing…