Dental Bridge Work- Explanation

A Dental Bridge is an option to replace a missing tooth or several missing teeth.

Dental Bridge Work


Dental Bridge work as an alternative to dental implants


Here an example of a Dental Bridge in the Front teeth area (aesthetic zone).

This patient asked for an implant to replace the right incisor. However, there was a lot of damage to the underlying bone with resulting deficiency. The placement of an implant would have required extensive bone (and gum ) grafting to achieve a good aesthetic result.
After a thorough assessment and discussion with the patient, we have prepared the neighbouring teeth, removed the damaged tooth and place a gum graft.  After some alterations and improvements to the temporary bridge, we place the final bridge 5 weeks later.

The dental implant option would have taken ~ 4-6 months and most likely the result would have been NOT as good as with the dental bridge. (Not to mention the cost of dental implant treatment in the aesthetic zone). 

Dental Bridge Work can be a viable alternative to dental implants! We can assess your situation and give an opinion about the available option most appropriate for you.

Example of Dental Bridge Work as an alternative to dental implants in the aesthetic zone by Dr Nelz.

Infected incisor with gum recession
Temporary Bridge and Gum Graft
Final result and healed gum