Soft Tissue Laser

Soft Tissue Laser

A soft tissue laser is far gentler than either electrosurgery or a scalpel. Unlike electrosurgery, lasers do not require the placement of a grounding plate (very low tech!). Second, it generates little or no heat, impacting implant longevity. With implants, when the healing cap is removed, lasers can safely remove any tissue tags, which is impossible with electrosurgery for fear of the electrode contacting the metal implant platform and the resulting current destroying the osseointegration. Similarly, you can safely remove hypertrophic tissue around orthodontic wires and/or brackets. Also, unlike most electrosurgery units, the soft tissue diode laser is safe for patients with a pacemaker. In contrast to using an electrotome or scalpel, when using a laser, the tissue separates gently and easily with the laser hemostasis is achieved rapidly, and there is minimal post-operative swelling.

Laser in Periodontal disease treatment

When treating patients with periodontal disease, the laser probe can be introduced into the pocket and provide a bactericidal and detoxifying effect. Studies have shown that there is a remarkable reduction in the bacterium called A. Actinomycetemcomitans with the introduction of the laser compared to that accomplished with deep scaling and root planning alone. It is also interesting to note that in light of all the increased awareness of the mouth-body connection that A. Actinomycetemcomitans has been found in artherosclerotic plaque associated with coronary heart disease

Treatment Example

Gingival Hyperplasia (Overgrowth of the gum tissue).

A combination of conventional periodontal Treatment (Cuerretage and Root Planning) and Laser Gingivectomy was used. Excellent Wound healing and stable results.

( Dr. med. dent. Peer Nelz)



…and After